World Hammock Day Sale!

This Saturday, 22nd July is World HAMMOCK Day!! We've always had a thing for hammocks, even before they were cool and someone created an international holiday for it.


This Saturday, 22nd July is World HAMMOCK Day!!

We've always had a thing for hammocks, even before they were cool and someone created an international holiday for it. What other piece of furniture can simultaneously evoke daydreams of lazing on a beach under a palm tree, add some whimsy to your backyard and give you the best nights sleep in the outdoors that you’ve had for a while?

World hammock day is about kicking back and admiring the artistry of one of the most simplistic and ingenious pieces of camping kit ever made… Swing in, grab yourself a hammock & go chill out!

THIS WEEKEND ONLY we are discounting all things hammock related so  to check it out!



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